How to Optimize PC Performance


Is your computer experiencing slow performance and extended startup times? Windows work well with most third party applications and in most cases, it’s the sole reason why your computer’s performance degrades over time. Here are 5 ways to help optimize your computer’s performance. Please provide feedback in the comment section to let us know what worked BEST for you and your overall thoughts. Here we go ….

  1. Manage and Remove Bloatware
  2. Manage and Reduce Startup Applications
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Increase your Computer’s Memory (RAM)
  5. Minimize your computing multitasking habits
  6. Let us help you
  1. Manage and Remove Bloatware

Bloatware is unwanted, unnecessary or unused software of questionable value, i.e. freeware, trial versions and optional accessory software. Most computers & mobile devices come with pre-installed factory bundled software, which can be considered bloatware. Bloatware can also be installed unknowingly when downloading and installing freeware/ shareware applications from the Internet. You may be installing unnecessary software that you never intended to install on your computer.

In the example below I began downloading FileZilla (a popular & free file utility software), and I was prompted to install Chromium Browser before installing the intended software FileZilla. If I did not pay close attention and reading thoroughly I would have downloaded additional unwanted software that operate in the background and slow down your computer.


The prompts to install the intended software can be misleading and as a result of clicking ACCEPT on everything to race through the installation you install the intended software along with unknown additional software without your knowledge. These applications (Bloatware) might not be noticed, but they are occupying your memory and processing resources.

Managing and Removing Bloatware will greatly improve your computer’s performance. You should only download software from trusted website sources and read the installation information and prompts thoroughly, also regularly review and manage the applications installed on your computer.

Open RUN (Window key + R) – Type (appwiz.cpl) – Review and remove unwanted applications.


  1. Manage and Reduce startup applications

When your computer is powered on (booting) it loads your windows operating system and then begins to load software programs into memory reducing the amount that your computer has to operate efficiently. Some software is required to start up automatically while others are not. The more applications that load automatically, the higher likelihood of a slower startup and sluggish computing experience.

It is recommended that you allow only frequently used applications to auto start. Once checking the programs in the auto start area, you will realize that there are applications that you were not aware of or have no Idea of the purpose. In order to access and manage applications in the auto start area ….

Open RUN (Window key+ R) – Type (msconfig) – Go-to (Startup Tab)

You will then see a complete list of all editable applications that automatically started. You can enable (check) programs of commonly used applications or disable (uncheck) programs that you do not or rarely use. Click apply and then ok. You might be asked to restart your computer. Click yes.

  1. Restart your computer Daily

If you have a habit of keeping multiple applications, browser tabs and other resources open and feel that restarting your computer is a hassle, then a restart is a must for you. Restart your computer often. We recommend that you restart your computer daily. Once a program is opened it uses memory resources and processes, once closed it does not completely free up the memory and processes that it previously consumed. Restarting daily will flush the memory and processes of residual programs or web pages that were previously opened.

  1. Increase your Computer’s Memory (RAM)

Memory is the temporary storage area where programs reside once you open an application. The more programs / applications and web pages that you open simultaneously, the more memory is consumed and required. The amount of required memory varies based on your computing requirements. According to crucial (memory manufacturer) here is a baseline chart for required computer memory relevant to your computer usage.

Crucial Memory user type

We feel that this chart is just about right. However, if you fall into one of the user categories above and there is a lag in performance you should consider advancing to the next user category and upgrading your computer’s memory accordingly.

  1. Minimize your computing multitasking habits

If you find your computer running slow after opening multiple application and browser tabs consider changing your multitasking usage pattern. Avoid having too many browsers and browser tabs opened in the background. If possible limit the number of applications opened and running simultaneously. Prioritize your work and only open applications that are required to complete the current task. I.e. You may schedule time for email so that you don’t need to keep your email client open while writing a blog post.

If you’re experiencing slowness, changing your multitasking habits can result in improved performance.

  1. Let us Help You
Professional Computer Solutions can assist you with optimizing your computer for increased performance. We can perform most all repairs remotely and offer a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee !
For a discounted rate on our already aggressive pricing please fill out our PCS Contact form  or call us directly @ 800-894-4064. We look forward to assisting you. Please provide feedback in the comment section to let us know what worked BEST for you and your overall thoughts.


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